A video on proper beneficiary designations, answering the question of whether money buys happiness, top trends in taxes and more |
Eschels Financial Group |
Cyndi Stern |
Video: Beneficiary Designations |
Columbus Life’s Morgan Scott has introduced a new video series to educate producers on Advanced Markets topics in about 60 seconds. Watch his first AM60 video to learn about beneficiary designations and how small titling errors can lead to big consequences for the insured’s family. Watch now. |
Does Money Buy Happiness? Find Out in this Podcast. |
Hear Dr. Benjamin Cummings from The American College of Financial Services, speak about how our spending habits impact our overall satisfaction. Infuse these insights into your client conversations. Listen now. |
Premium Paying Strategies: Asset Sale to an Irrevocable Grantor Trust |
Part of Prudential’s Premium Paying Strategies concept, Asset Sale to an Irrevocable Grantor Trust can help your affluent but illiquid clients create the liquidity they need to purchase a large amount of life insurance to more effectively and efficiently transfer wealth. Read More. |
Top Trends in Tax Proposals and Why They Matter |
In just 2 short years, the tax proposal conversation has changed from tax cuts to a new wave of tax increases. Learn about the discussions you should be having with your clients. Top trends and conversations. |
As Clients’ Lives Change, Their Needs Change. When Was the Last Time You Checked In? |
Learn how AXA Equitable’s Purpose, Product, Health (PPH) Exam can help you evaluate clients’ policies to ensure they align with their ever-changing needs. PPH Client Exam brochure. PPH Client Fact Finder. |
How to Use the 1040 Overlay to Reveal Gaps, Needs and Opportunities |
With changes to taxes via the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, reviewing clients’ updated tax forms can help you identify missed life insurance needs and opportunities. 1040 Overlay Resources. |
Eschels Financial Group
Cyndi Stern |
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