When was the last time you truly prospected for Life Insurance, used a Fact Finder, and uncovered holes in a client’s planning? We’ve gotten smarter with the long tenure in this business but have we forgotten about what made us great professionals?
Eschels Financial Group is very excited and proud to present on Tuesday May 24, 2016 Edwin Hale JD, CLU, Assistant Vice President Advanced Markets with Accordia Life Insurance Company. Ed has 40 years of legal and insurance industry experience in the areas of Estate Planning and Business Succession Planning. He has been both a practicing attorney and a life insurance agent, with a focus on estate and business succession planning for the closely held family owned businesses.
Ed will spend a compelling 2 hours with us on:
ØNeeds Selling- How to approach a Business Owner
ØFact Finders- Estate Planning and uncovering the life insurance needs about which no one asks
ØJoint work with agents once they have obtained a Fact Finder, and assistance closing that sale (Yes, joint work and no commission split)
ØThis is a Workshop providing concepts and training, not a product discussion.
Please join us on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 from 10am -12 Noon in our office conference room at Eschels Financial Group 555 South Old Woodward Avenue Suite 755, Birmingham, Michigan. There will be a light breakfast served at 9:30am. Call our office to reserve your seat for this rare event and opportunity at 248-644-1144.
The successful industry professionals are those that explore opportunities and continue to strive for greatness by investing in themselves- be that professional!
We look very forward to spending the morning with you, as you glean all that is available from Mr. Ed Hale.
Are you aware within Fixed Indexed Annuities and Indexed Life Insurance there are 100% participation in the various indices up to the caps? Are you aware there are uncapped (yes uncapped) index strategies allowing the client the full index performance less a spread? Why is any of this important? Because clients have told this industry after 2008 that they no longer can endure the wild rides with their money. They have firmly said they are aware they need some exposure to the non-guaranteed markets, but they now also know they must be more diligent with safety, as their individual lives are uncertain and when retirement happens often is not by choice but more by circumstance.