- We are at the halfway point of the year, and we all say the same thing: how time is flying by. Summer brings those hot, lazy vacation days, with children out of school, away at camp, family vacations and simply just the time to exhale, take a breath from the first half of the year’s marathon. Clients are thinking (even if in the back of their minds while they relax) about what is next for them financially, the upcoming elections, retirement plans in the next year or 2…… What kind of relief will you provide for them? A game is judged at halftime, but the score only matters when the game is over. In retirement planning, the game is over when the working days stop and that predictable paycheck ends. Where is the predictable paycheck going to come from now? Check out the available annuity webinars in our Upcoming Events- show clients how they can have a predictable paycheck in retirement that will continue to be in their mailbox, regardless of how long they live- even if their money runs out.
Should volatility derail retirement plans? No, but it often does…. What are the pitfalls of an exclusive stock-oriented investment portfolio?
While stocks can provide attractive returns, the market is subject to frequent declines, as the table below illustrates.
The world is becoming more interconnected and events in seemingly far-off places can enhance stock volatility.
If your client plans to retire on a certain date, and it coincides with a bear market, he or she may have to delay retirement because of insufficient asset. We saw that in reality in 2008-2010.
Jan 1900 to Dec 31, 2010
Dips (5% or more)
Corrections (10% or more
Bear Market (20% or more)
Total Number
Per Year Average
About 1 every 3.5 years
(source: Ned Davis Research 2012)
How can Fixed Indexed Annuities help clients retire on schedule?
Fixed annuities, with their guaranteed interest rates and guaranteed return of principal (less any withdrawals of interest or principal) can help preserve client’s assets, potentially softening the impact of a choppy stock market on their accounts.
- A conservative approach….. provides the client with safety of principal, tax- advantages, liquidity, and legacy planning.
June is Annuity Awareness Month: the age-old question and worry from clients never stops: “what happens if I live longer than my money lasts?” The growth of annuities mainly comes from challenging market conditions, a perpetual low interest rate environment, and financial professionals looking for fixed income alternatives outside of bonds. So, the natural question to ask from a lot of the financial professionals new to the FIA products is ” how do we position these annuities to be suitable with our clients? ” Below is a simplistic way to explain these insurance products and their functionality inside of a retirement income strategy.
The basics are very easy. Safety of principle, reasonable rate of return, and a lifetime income stream that your client can’t out live. The challenge is, how do I know which annuity product will be the appropriate fit? There are many annuities available today and each one has a specific design and place.
When looking at the FIA space any insurance product will fall in one of four categories:
1. Accumulation – a favorable return with no risk to principle (we have seen treasuries plus 2% as an average rate of return over the life of an insurance product)
2. Performance Based Income – guarantees to income with upside potential based on indexed interest growth
3. Guaranteed Income – pension style income with a guaranteed payout at specific ages with no potential for increase in the future
4. Legacy or Death Benefit
And here are just a few reasons why some people should consider an annuity to be a part of their financial strategy:
Contractual guarantees – guaranteed minimum interest rates and principal protection
Transfer risk to the insurance company – the annuity carrier bears the market risk not the policy owner
Alternative product to traditional conservative investment options – addresses interest rate risk and sequence of returns risk
Multi-purpose product – optional riders may be available to provide enhanced death benefit guarantees or nursing home benefits
Additional retirement income – lifetime income riders can provide guaranteed income that will continue even after the annuity contract is depleted of any cash value
It all depends on the client’s situation whether an annuity can be right for them. It is important in the financial strategy process to understand the contractual benefits of annuities along with the accumulation potential, as well as the fees and expenses of these products. For the right client, an annuity can provide features and benefits to help ensure financial stability and may provide a solution. Call us and let’s talk about your next case!
The Next Big Thing in Annuities: If you’re not talking with your clients about QLACs, expect that your competition is. Learn how big this opportunity really is!
It is imperative to explore all financial options for the clients- why let a client lapse or surrender a policy when determining there is an alternative. Life Settlements- Life Insurance , like every other asset, has a Market Value. Before your client considers letting a policy go, call us to discuss the specifics. And interestingly, all policy types are considered now for Life Settlements- even convertible term insurance. The reality is: you will set yourself apart from other advisors and agents by educating clients on Life Settlements and the options for the unwanted/unneeded life insurance. Clients remember you told them about an idea that others did not- and isn’t that what we want as agents and financial advisors? To be distinguished as unique, with different and compelling ideas for clients provides them with more than the average agent.
Are you aware within Fixed Indexed Annuities and Indexed Life Insurance there are 100% participation in the various indices up to the caps? Are you aware there are uncapped (yes uncapped) index strategies allowing the client the full index performance less a spread? Why is any of this important? Because clients have told this industry after 2008 that they no longer can endure the wild rides with their money. They have firmly said they are aware they need some exposure to the non-guaranteed markets, but they now also know they must be more diligent with safety, as their individual lives are uncertain and when retirement happens often is not by choice but more by circumstance.

See the attached White Paper by Allianz Life Insurance Company “Reclaiming the Future”