The two things people buying life insurance value most, do you sell life insurance using drop ticket and client prospecting. |
Eschels Financial |
Cyndi Stern |
People Buying Life Insurance Value These Two Things Most |
When people are buying life insurance, the top two things they value is someone making it easy for them to understand and the ability to chat with a person, according to the new 2017 Insurance Barometer Study, by Life Happens and LIMRA.Click here to view a chart with other insights.
Are You Selling Your Life Insurance Cases Using Drop Ticket? |
Are you currently using paper applications for your Life Insurance sales? Have you considered trying the on-line “Drop Ticket” applications that almost EVERY carrier now has? Why bother? Well, your cases get processed more quickly as they as in good order, your client has their policy in force sooner and you receive your commissions faster from the carrier and……..
Eschels Financial Group, from now until August 1, 2017, will pay YOU 5% more commission above on your Life Insurance sales when you use the Drop Ticket method. Call us at 248-644-1144 and we will walk you through every step of the way.
Preparing for Med Exam |
If your clients need to take a medical exam in order to qualify for life insurance, this can cause quite a bit of stress. With this article from Protective, help them know what to expect.
Client Prospecting |
“Life doesn’t stand still. Neither should your coverage!” Use this new customizable flyer for reaching out to existing clients to initiate a policy review.
Healthcare in Retirement |
Health care costs can be one of the biggest expenses in retirement. How can you help your clients carefully plan for their health care after retirement? Nationwide offers some helpful tips.
The average FIA application among all carriers is $85,000 and, for example, if the client is age 60 when the annuity is purchased, allowing for 5 years until age 65 before the lifetime guaranteed income is elected, the client would receive $410/month…. guaranteed for life. Should the index perform positively, that number would be increasing annually as well. (Source, Allianz Core Income 7).
If the client has monies without an intention, why would Social Security be used to pay healthcare premiums, when they could have a lifetime distribution, regardless of account value in an annuity? Call us for more details at 248-644-1144.
Budgeting for Retirement |
Budgeting for retirement can seem complex. Lifestyle, health, living costs, and income all play a role in deciding what kind of annuity to select. Legal & General America offers great budgeting tips.
Eschels Financial Cyndi Stern |
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